Digging Holes: At D.E.P.A.S. Field School
Day 4 of Excavation:
Theoretically we should be over that “wall” that I was going on about yesterday, and for the most part it’s true. We all headed down to the dig with renewed spirits, ready to go get the day. Yesterday we’d uncovered a rock that looked very promising. Remember, Trench 33 or 34 should hold a section of a wall, either parallel or continued. These walls are, of course, made out of big rocks that are pieced together. So when big rocks just break the surface, the
  workmen go σιγά, σιγά (slowly, slowly) and take a mini pickaxe to the area around and determine whether or not the stone is actually attached to anything, or just a big rock in
Unfortunately, our“promising wall sections” turned out to just be rocks. But not to worry because those were sort of long shots anyways. In truth, we’re still on the surface layer and not
really expecting to find anything just yet. The walls are actually lower than where we are right now. We were hopeful that maybe we’d find taller walls, or maybe the original ground slopes upwards like the current surface does, but again that doesn’t seem to be the case. Once more, we left the day with a few promising rocks, but that was about it. Today wasn’t really as cool, all around. But we’re hopeful still and tomorrow is Friday (as Rebecca Black will probably
tell you). Then we have our first day off and there are already plans being made for Naphlio. Can’t wait!

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